Our Services
Wildfire Mitigation and Risk assesment
National VIPR Dispatch with two type six engines. These engines are available for dispatch anywhere in the country.
Controlled burning planning and education. Pile Burning. Learn how prescribed fire will benefit your property and the future of our prairies.
Removal of invasive species, tree row restoration, prairie restoration, woody encroachment control. Preserving our prairie and all of its inhabitants for future generations.
our company
Ashley Peyer is an EMR for her local ambulance service and an active part of her community, Ashley specializes in pollinator habitats, conservation, and finance.
Dustin Peyer has been a firefighter since 2007. Dustin specializes in operations of command and logistics.
Together they make Badlanders LLC, a wildland fire company focused on restoring our beautiful prairies and changing the relationship we have with fire
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FFT2 Training
April 4th-13th
Bismarck, ND
The Wildland Firefighter Type 2 training offered through TrainND Southwest is an industry-led program designed to prepare students to enter the firefighting industry classified as a Firefighter Type 2. Students will be introduced to incident command systems (ICS), human factors in wildland fire service, firefighter training, wildland fire behavior, and national incident management systems (NIMS).
RX Fire Training
March 18th-27th
Multiple Locations
Covering: Burn Plans, Ignitions, Communications,Safety/PPE, Hazard Mitigation, Briefings, Weather
Contact Kelli Kuska 541-619-5188
Cara Gregor 320-808-4897 to register
Contact Us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!